Thursday, March 18, 2010

The second Show in the Series!

Last week on "Who Do You Think You Are?", Emmitt Smith explored his family history. His perspective was a bit different, considering religion and the Bible, as a starting point of his lineage.

He traveled to the deep south, and the east coast looking for answers. Many questions he had regarding his family history could not be answered due to the sad history of the slave trade. Unfortunately, the slaves of Africa were not valued as humans worthy of a honored history and background to be perserved in writing.

Emmitt's trip ended on a somber note when visiting the town in Africa where his ancestors were placed on the slave ships. The slave trade is still operating and often children have to bare the burdens of this lifestyle to better the lives of their families.

Genealogy teaches us much about ourselves and the cultures of our ancestors, and it can even teach us of present day cultures.

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