Sunday, April 4, 2010

War Veterans

Have you ever wondered how many of your ancestors fought in battle? Matthew Broderick discovers he has at least two war heroes in his family line on the television show, "Who Do You Think You Are".
Like others, Matthew's family didn't talk much of generations past and he didn't know much of his grandfather. He longed for more of a connection to him. He discovered his grandfather had crossed an ocean to join the fight in one of the World Wars. Like many who discover they have a war veteran in their family line, he was filled with much pride and surprise.
Matthew also found out that he also had a Civil War veteran in his family tree. He traveled to the site where his ancestor had fought and been buried in Georgia. He had been buried in a specific cemetary for the civil war casualities. Matthew was blown away he was able to find correlations between his ancestors and a role he had played in a movie years ago.

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