Monday, May 24, 2010

Genealogy Parties??

That's right! We're bringing genealogy into the 21st Century the right way! I'm pioneering ways to party with genealogy! Enjoy talking about your ancestors, research methods and history in general? You may be ready to have your very own genealogy party. It's a great way to spend time with friends and share your interests. During the very first party, on May 21st, 2010 we all shared a piece of our ancestors lives. There was some history trivia and a small introduction to the website. There was also a Q & A session about genealogy and research problems. Everyone had some research done on their family tree for free. I'm now working to create a "virtual genealogy party", so anyone, anywhere could join in on the fun! It may not be as social, but distance shouldn't be an issue! Contact me to find out more details or to schedule your own "virtual party"!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spike Lee and Who Do You Tink You Are?

Spike Lee travels to the old south to discover his roots. He was able to learn about the slave history within his family and learn of the "owners" of his ancestors. He talked highly of his grandmother and was most interested in her branch of the family tree.

Spike actually was able to step foot on the same property that his ancestor purchased when he became a free man. He also visited the location of a gun factory where his ancestor worked to produce guns used to fight the Union during the Civil War.

The show ended with Spike visiting with a cousin, far removed in the family tree. She was a great great granddaughter of the slave owner of Spikes ancestors. This same slave owner most likely fathered Spike's great great great grandmother who was documented as a mulatto.

Slavery was a sad and degrading part of our nations history and highly prevalent in many individuals family history.

Family Secrets and Susan Sarandon

Does your family have secrets and mysteries? Many families have a couple of tidbits that they don't want outsiders to know.

On April 23rd, Susan Sarandon shared her grandmother's secrets with the nation through the tv series "Who Do You Think You Are?". Her grandmother lived about one hour away from her, most of her life and she was never able to know her as a person. Her grandmother was a daughter of immigrants and lived in tight quarters. She became pregnant and married early on. She decided to abandon her husband and daughter and live a separate life. Her grandmother went on to marry two other men and never had any other children. All of this information was new to her and her mother.

You never know what information you may uncover until you begin! There may be many mysteries to solve and secrets to reveal.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Are You Descended from Royalty?

Brooke Shields journey led her to Italy and France where she found a wealthy banker and a cousin of a King in her lineage! What a feeling it must be to descended from a royal family??

The further you trace your ancestors back, the closer you may find yourself related to royalty. Most Americans can trace branches of their history to Europe. Many royal families married into other royal families from different countries. If you find one royal name, you'll probably find others!

Brooke was also able to visit local sites in New Jersey where past family members lived, and died. She was able to find a newspaper article about her great uncles death and birth certificates of her grandmother and all of her siblings. Brooke was able to make connections of past events in her grandmother's life to better understand the decisions she made later in her life.

War Veterans

Have you ever wondered how many of your ancestors fought in battle? Matthew Broderick discovers he has at least two war heroes in his family line on the television show, "Who Do You Think You Are".
Like others, Matthew's family didn't talk much of generations past and he didn't know much of his grandfather. He longed for more of a connection to him. He discovered his grandfather had crossed an ocean to join the fight in one of the World Wars. Like many who discover they have a war veteran in their family line, he was filled with much pride and surprise.
Matthew also found out that he also had a Civil War veteran in his family tree. He traveled to the site where his ancestor had fought and been buried in Georgia. He had been buried in a specific cemetary for the civil war casualities. Matthew was blown away he was able to find correlations between his ancestors and a role he had played in a movie years ago.

Lisa Kudrow

A few weeks ago Lisa Kudrow explored her family's past history, on "Who Do You Think You Are". She spoke to her father about the earlier generations and gathered information for her genealogical journey.
The Holocaust and the Nazis were a powerful force in Lisa's family and many members never saw each other again after one of their homes had been raided. It was extremely dramatic and sad to hear the stories of the events that occured from this time, from the original towns people. I thought the hardship would never end!
Then....after determining what happened to a long lost cousin of her father's, Lisa and a local Polish historian found this cousin! To her suprise, he was alive and well! It's miraculous when someone can find a long lost relative. That has got to be one of the best rewards from researching your family and their roots!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The second Show in the Series!

Last week on "Who Do You Think You Are?", Emmitt Smith explored his family history. His perspective was a bit different, considering religion and the Bible, as a starting point of his lineage.

He traveled to the deep south, and the east coast looking for answers. Many questions he had regarding his family history could not be answered due to the sad history of the slave trade. Unfortunately, the slaves of Africa were not valued as humans worthy of a honored history and background to be perserved in writing.

Emmitt's trip ended on a somber note when visiting the town in Africa where his ancestors were placed on the slave ships. The slave trade is still operating and often children have to bare the burdens of this lifestyle to better the lives of their families.

Genealogy teaches us much about ourselves and the cultures of our ancestors, and it can even teach us of present day cultures.